
The planning function of the Community Development Department is performed through administration of all land use codes and regulations, providing technical advice, information, and support to Harlem’s citizens, Planning & Zoning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and City Council to assist them with land use issues and decisions, and implementation of the Harlem Comprehensive Plan. If you have any questions please call (706) 556-0043 to speak with department staff.

What is zoning?

Zoning is a system of land-use planning that separates land into districts by use, such as residential, commercial, and industrial. Currently, the City has five residential districts, three business districts, one professional, one industrial, one agricultural, and several planned development districts. A breakdown of each use by district is as follows:

The Harlem Zoning Map is now available to view in a digital format. To view the City of Harlem Official Zoning Map:

1. Visit the Columbia County Maps Online web site:

2. On the upper-left corner of the page, click 'Maps.'

3. From the drop-down box, select 'Map Themes.'

4. From that drop-down box, near the bottom, select 'Zoning Information.'

Zoning information for Harlem, Grovetown, and Columbia County is then shown.

To return to the regular view, follow the steps above and for Step 4 select 'Default Property Information View.'


R-1A Single-family

R-1B Single-family

R-2 Multi-family duplex

R-3 Multi-family apartment

R-4 Townhouse


B-1 Downtown Business

B-2 Local Business

B-3 General Business


P-1 Professional

Planned Unit Development



A-1 Agricultural


I-1 Industrial

Special Planned Development Districts

CP-R:    Conservation Preservation Residential Zone

MUD:     Sustainable Community Mixed Use District

SCM:     Senior Community Mixed Use District

TNY-R: Tiny Home Residential District

These district classifications are overlaid onto individual parcels in the City and form the zoning map of the City which is available here. For more information on what uses are permitted in each classification please see Part III, Chapter 108 of the Harlem, GA Code of Ordinances.

What is a historic district?

The City of Harlem has three local historic districts: the Central, Sanders, and Sawdust. Property designated by these overlay districts are subject to design review by the Historic Preservation Commission. View a map of the historic districts. View more information on design review and the Historic Preservation Commission.

What is a zoning action?

There are three types of zoning actions: rezoning, conditional use, and variance. These are discussed in more depth below.

A rezoning is required when a property owner wishes to change the land use district of their property to permit a new use or a change in density. An example would be changing a piece of property from residential to commercial. All requests for rezoning are required to go before the Planning & Zoning Commission for a recommendation and City Council for final action. 

A conditional use permits a certain use of property that the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council have determined is a more intensive use than is normally permitted in that district. Because of the higher intensity of the use and the potential negative impact on surrounding property, conditional uses listed in the Code of Ordinances are required to go before the Planning & Zoning Commission for a recommendation and City Council for final action. For a listing of conditional uses by district please see Part III, Chapter 108-44.

A variance permits a property owner, because of unusual, exceptional, or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to their property to request a change to required development codes that only applies to their lot. An example would be requesting a change to minimum front yard setbacks to allow for a house of the minimum size to be built on a parcel that otherwise would not be able to because of extraordinary circumstances or conditions. All variance requests are required to go before the Planning & Zoning Commission for a recommendation and City Council for final action. For more information on zoning actions, please see our Planning & Zoning commissions page.

What are the procedures for subdivision of property?

Generally, a preliminary plan will need to be reviewed and approved by department staff, the city engineer, and go through the Planning Commission. After minimum improvements are made and approved, a final plat may be filed. For more in depth information on the process please see Part III, Chapter 114.

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

The comprehensive plan is the official guiding document for the future of the city of Harlem. It is designed to formulate a coordinated, long-term planning program for the city. The plan, through the collaborative effort of citizens, elected officials, and city staff, establishes a vision and guides how that vision is to be achieved. It serves as a guide to both the public and private sector by providing a picture of how land will develop, how housing will be provided, how jobs will be attracted and retained, how open space and the environment will be protected, how public services and facilities will be provided, and how transportation facilities will be improved. Further, the plan guides elected and appointed officials as they deliberate community development issues and conveys policy and intended programs of action to residents. In short, the comprehensive plan is a unified document providing consistent policy direction. The Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for an update in 2016 and a short term work plan was performed in 2011. View the current Harlem Comprehensive Plan 2021 -2026:

Please see the applicable zoning and Historical Preservation Commission forms and applications below. For further information, please contact the department at (706) 556-0043.

Historic Preservation Information

Do I Need a Certificate of Appropriateness?

HPC Residential Design Guidelines

HPC Downtown Design Guidelines

HPC Sign Guidelines