Urban Redevelopment Agency

Harlem’s Urban Redevelopment Agency (URA) was formed in 2015 to implement the objectives laid out in the “City Center Plan” urban redevelopment plan.  

The URA meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Harlem City Hall located at 320 North Louisville Street in Harlem.  

The Harlem Urban Redevelopment Agency has property that is available for purchase located at 275 W Milledgeville Road, Harlem.  If interested, please submit a Purchase Proposal that includes, at a minimum:

1. Offered Purchase Price.      

2. Proposed Property Use.

3. Expected Property Investment Amount.

Purchase Proposals should be sent to:

Ms. Debra Moore, URA Executive Director, City of Harlem, P.O. Box 99, Harlem, GA  30814.

If you have any questions, contact Robert Fields at 706-556-0043 or rfields@harlemga.org